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- NAOTB – New Addictions on the Blockdi simultaneoLo scorso 8 dicembre 2022, la corte suprema del Québec ha autorizzato una causa a un’azienda di videogiochi, un’azione basata sulle richieste di un gruppo di genitori e della loro avvocata, Alessandra Esposito Chartrand. L’accusa è piuttosto semplice e chiara: alcune dinamiche di gioco sono state volutamente progettate in modo da risultare “addictive”. In italiano,… Leggi tutto: NAOTB – New Addictions on the Block
- The vivid yet hollow experience of the metaversedi Iana PervazovaThe spectator’s consciousness, imprisoned in a flattened universe, bound by the screen of the spectacle behind which his life has been deported, knows only the fictional speakers who unilaterally surround him with their commodities and the politics of their commodities. The spectacle, in its entirety, is his “mirror image.” – Guy Debord, The Society of… Leggi tutto: The vivid yet hollow experience of the metaverse
- Chi ha paura del Metaverso?di angeladaddio“The Metaverse and How We’ll Built it Together” è il titolo del video Youtube dello scorso 28 ottobre con cui Mark Zuckerberg – CEO dell’azienda Meta – annunciava la sua visione per il futuro di Internet. Ben 87 minuti in cui una delle personalità chiave delle trasformazioni digitali dell’ultimo ventennio si mette in primo piano,… Leggi tutto: <strong>Chi ha paura del Metaverso?</strong>
- The trials and tribulations of developing an aestheticdi emmilymadelineThe Trials And Tribulations Of Developing An Aesthetic (Artist Statement) I am a young, Canadian, contemporary artist focusing on portrait photography. I work with the people around me to create images that explore femininity and womanhood. This piece in particular focuses on the shocking influence online culture has on my self-image. Depicted in The Trials… Leggi tutto: The trials and tribulations of developing an aesthetic
- Are We Losing Touch? Looking at Loneliness and Isolation in the Digital Age.di gabriellegrangiedeAbstract Our current epoch can be characterized as the Digital Age. The internet emerged over three decades ago, and technological advances have seeped into every aspect of our lives, breaking digital dualism and merging the physical and virtual worlds. This has impacted our social lives and how we interact with one another. Loneliness is a… Leggi tutto: Are We Losing Touch? Looking at Loneliness and Isolation in the Digital Age.